Friday, December 29, 2006

11:27pm, Fri, 29/12/06.
watching the 3rd movie of the day. Certainly becoming a boom box addict. I should stop watching TV now. Just ost 25$ trying and registering with a fake movie site. Shit. And bought a D50 while I intended to but a D70. Altough cheaper, and contains pretty much the same features, a D70 would have been excallant. And my fish eyed lens or PCI arch book havent reached me yet. It has been about 2 weeks now. Looks like I'm loosing my money and patience. I also got a 2GB pen drive but now want to buy a 1GB MP3 player for double the cost.

2 days to 07. No resolutions to be made for the new year. It goes with out saying that I should resolve to stop investing in insecure places. However luring and glamorous it may seem. All that glitters is certainly not gold.


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