Tuesday, November 28, 2006


Friday, November 24, 2006


Not many posts these days for my ennui has not haunted me for a while. Not after the reactive depression medication. Shit.

Monday, November 13, 2006

8 hrs per movie

Its been a hectic week end. Because I had myself watch 6 movies in 2 days, thats a neat 120$s. And all quite good. Except 4 of them had a pale climax. And none had an impressive story line. But none vere boring. - The prestige, gaurdian, stranger than fiction, illusionist, good year, departed. While "The Prestige" and "The Illusionist" were magic (or similar), "The Departed" was a chinese movie remade like ditto, except speaking english.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006


To YYZ via LHR. Thats 18 + 3 hrs. Which includes all of the airline meals and the one during transit. I tried to watch 5 movies inside the plane. The 15 hrs flight time with initial 1 + 1 hrs wasted away woth all the BBC news and stuff, there was 13hrs of movie time. Assuming 2hrs per movie, one could easily watch 5 movies. Pretty cool eh? No. Most of the time, ur drowsy. And the cranky air hosts and hostesses make your time worse. In effect, what saves the day are the movies.
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